A Zombie is usually either a reawakened corpse with a ravenous appetite or someone bitten by another zombie infected with a “zombie virus.” Zombies are portrayed as strong dead people with rotting flesh and their only mission is to feed.
A zombie’s sense of hearing, sight, and smell become advanced past that of a normal human’s after being brought back from the dead.
While the zombie’s strength depends on how long they’ve been reanimated, they can produce enough force to overpower even the strongest of humans, making them incredibly dangerous in combat.

The only way to bring down a zombie is the brain, You must attack the brain.
Zombies are aggressive at all times. They are extremely violent and tend to attack humans in an enraged state. They are dangerous and cannot be reasoned with and tend to move at a slower rate.
What do zombies eat?
Zombies know not to eat each other because they only eat living human flesh. Once infected and full zombification has taken place, the zombie is no longer alive, so its flesh is not palatable to other zombies.
In the movies
Zombies were introduced to the movies in the 1930s and have since been a constant fan favorite. White Zombie was released in 1932 but the flesh eating monster didn’t gain its popularity until 1968 when George Romero unleashed Night of the Living Dead.
An independent film with a budget barely above six figures, Night enthralled audiences with its mysterious plot, shocking gore, progressive casting and social commentary, and, natch, the unforgettable hordes of the gaunt, hungry undead.

Dawn of the Dead came out in 1978 and was one of the most compelling and entertaining zombie films ever, Dawn of the Dead perfectly blends pure horror and gore with social commentary on material society.
The Return of the Living Dead in 1985, a punk take on the zombie genre, The Return of the Living Dead injects a healthy dose of ’80s silliness to the flesh-consuming.
World War Z starring Brad Pitt was released in 2013 gave us fast moving thrills.
Video Games
Zombies were such a big success they became a huge hit with video games, with over 25 games to choose from.

Zombies make marvelous antagonists. They’re plodding, dark parodies of society’s shortsightedness. They’re plentiful and emotionless eaters of flesh, which makes them perfect cannon fodder for action films and twitch shooters. Their wasted visages serve the purposes of both horror and humor with equal effectiveness. They’ve been a part of the video game landscape for decades.
Some of the best games are:
The House of the Dead – This iconic on-rails arcade shooter helped restore zombies’ pop culture relevance in the ’90s and aid in the revival of the zombie film genre a decade later.
Zombie – Is a punishing first-person survival horror game set in a zombie-infested London.
Project Zomboid – Leans hard into the simulation aspects of surviving a zombie apocalypse. It’s a systems-heavy zombie game in which all actions must be considered; you’re not just fending off the undead but depression, starvation, and loneliness too.
Resident Evil Village – Over 25 years after the original, Capcom still wears the industry’s survival-horror crown thanks to the continued excellence of Resident Evil. The series’ latest installment moves zombies to the back burner in favor of another form of flesh-eating enemy.
Dead Space – It’s pretty obvious when you play Dead Space, to look at it and go, ‘Yeah, it’s almost like they decided to make Resident Evil 4 in space,’ which is exactly what we were doing.
Resident Evil 2 Remake – Is a triumph of survival horror, a sprawling, weirdly compelling epic that somehow managed to overcome its famously lackluster controls.

What’s your favorite zombie movie or game?